
Elfelejtettem a jelszót

Anne Rice


(1)Interview with the vampire

(2)The vampire Lestat

(3)Queen of the damneds

(4)Tale of the body thief

(5)Memnoch the devil

(6)The vampire Armand


(8)Blood and gold 

(9)Blackwood Farm

(10)Blood Canticle 


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creatures of the night
creatures of the night : Vampyres


  2005.08.19. 21:13

angol szöveg

But first, on earth as vampyre sent,
Thy corpse shall from its tomb be rent:
Then ghastly haunt they native place,
And suck the blood of all thy race;
There from they daughter, sister, wife,
At midnight drain the stream of life . . .
Wet with thine own best blood shall drip
Thy gnashing tooth and haggard lip;
Then stalking to thy sullen grave
Go - and with the ghouls and afreets rave,
Till these in horror shrink away
From specter more accursed than they!

by Lord Byron from The Giaour (1813)

A Taste for Blood

Both the Vampyre (a human being raised from the grave) and the Werewolf (a man or woman transformed into a wolf) have much in common.  They are both made of mortal stuff; they are not fallen angles nor are they demons sent by Satan to tempt or corrupt.  Both display a supernatural strength and agility, as well as share the ability to "shape-shift", i.e. change their shape at will.  Further, both use their well-developed incisors in the never ending quest of the same nourishment -- hot, pulsing and deep red human blood.

However, while the vampyre needs blood to survive, draining his victims so that he might live;  the werewolf is both cannibal and carnivore,  relishing in the hunt itself and then reveling in the blood and flesh of his victims.

According to some occult lore, the werewolf, on his death becomes a vampyre -- an interesting graduation, don't you think?

Be that as it may, the vampyre and the werewolf have traveled through the myths of history trailing death and destruction forever burning their footprints into the blood they have spilled over the centuries.

In both occult history and folklore, the oldest vampyre figures were female, from the Greek Lamiai to the Malaysian Langsuyar and the Jewish Lilith.  In addition, there were many female "vampyre like" creatures that were prominent in the lore of polytheistic cultures.  Kali, the dark goddess of India was such a figure as were the witch/vampyres of West Africa.

Closely related to the female vampyres were figures such as the Incubus or Succubus and the Mara.  None of these entities were vampyres, though each behaved in ways reminiscent of vampyres -- attacking their male or female victims in the night and leaving them distraught and exhausted in the morning.

However, as the centuries passed, it was the male vampyre that captivated the majority of cultures.



The Making of a Vampyre

Based on mythology, there are many possible routes to the making of a vampyre.  Most vampyres, according to legend and lore, are made (or turned) by other vampyres.  Once bitten the victim then takes of the vampyre's blood and becomes infected with eternal life and burdened with the blood-lust required to sustain it.






The Vampyre's Kiss

He bent his head and kissed her palm.   The sudden unexpected sensuality of it took her breath away.

"What is it like?" Ardeth asked.

"Like food," he said, pausing to glance up at her, "or love." 

Some meals are sustenance, some feasts of delight."  He leaned over to put his lips against her wrist, to run his tongue along her vein.  "Some acts of love are mere biology, some a sacrament."

..... from The Night Inside by Nancy Baker





Vampyre Perils

Based on legend, stories and novels, the vampyre that myth has made is prone to the following weaknesses:

·         Weakened or harmed by sunlight. Although this vulnerability seems very prevalent, there are notable exceptions to it. As mentioned above, Dracula was relatively unaffected by sunlight. Poppy Z. Brite's vampires were only sensitive to the sun, not harmed by it.

·         Repelled/harmed by religious symbols. This appears to be a subject of great debate. A very prevalent belief, is the symbol itself is useless unless the wielder possesses a strong faith in the efficacy of the symbol, as a despoiler of evil. As such, the symbol is just the vehicle for the faith of its holder, and the actual symbol need not be religious. There is a movie in which a yuppie dispels a vampire by holding up his wallet! Apparently, his faith in money was enough that he could harm the vampire. Again, it was the faith and not the symbol that mattered.

·         Repelled by garlic and/or wolfs bane. During the Middle Ages when an illness would appear in a town, it would at times be attributed to the appearance of a vampyre in the area. These people would often be fed garlic that would, due to its antiseptic nature, destroy the bacteria causing the illness. This led many people to attribute garlic with the added property of a "vampyre repellent". As with everything else, this is not a wholesale answer to why garlic is given the properties it has, but it does offer at least one, up to now, acceptable explanation. Again, this doesn't seem to be universal. Its inclusion in the vampyre mythology may be due to the belief that since wolfs bane supposedly repelled werewolves (it's mild medicinal uses gave it a reputation for being magical during the plague years), it would exert a power on vampires (who are lumped in with lupines because both were supposed to be supernatural), as well.

·         Unable to cross running water, except at the ebb and flow of the tide. The reason for this is linked to the reason why vampires do not cast a reflection in mirrors. In the case of a reflection, the reflection was thought to be symbolic of a person's soul, something a vampire was thought not to have. Most mirrors, at the point in time that many of these beliefs were springing up, were not any better than a standing stream of water, so the water became associated in a fashion with the mirror.

·         Needs an invitation to enter someone's home of someone - cannot enter without one.

·         Cannot pass a thicket of wild rose or a line of salt

·         Has to stop and count every grain in a pile of grain (type of grain varies)

·         Does not cast a reflection. In some areas, vampyres are believed not to show in photographs, and in some, they are believed not to cast shadows.




The Brotherhood

The name taken by the community of vampyres in the Australian film Thirst (1987)

The Cadre

The ancient ruling body of the vampyre community that appears in Karen Taylor's novel The Vampire Legacy: Bitter Blood (1994). The Cadre is composed of the leaders of the various vampyre "houses" or families, each founded by a prominent vampyre. In the novel, there are eight houses represented.

The Camarilla

A world-wide organization of vampyres founded in the fifteenth century to protect the vampyre community from the actions of the Inquisition.  Understanding the Camarilla, what it is, how it operates, is integral to the popular role playing game called Vampire: The Masquerade, created by Mark Rein-Hagen and initially published in 1991.

Church of Eternal Life

A vampyre "church" that appears in the novels of Laurell K. Hamilton, beginning with Guilty Pleasure (1993)

Clans, Vampyre

The dominant groups that comprise the popular role-playing game Vampire: The Masquerade. The game, which exploded into popularity in the 1990's includes a complete myth detailing the origin and organization of the world of vampyres who are known as Kindred.

The Conclave

A vampyre ruling council that appears in Garfield Reeves-Stevens novel Bloodshift (1981). It was founded in part to do battle with the Roman Catholic Church, with its headquarters in Geneva.


A small group of vampyres who are the subject of a continuing series of comic books from Claypool Comics called "Deadbeats" with the stories set in the early 1990's near the town of Mystic Grove Connecticut.

Knight Club

A most unusual structure in the vampyre community is the Knight Club -- a facility on the island of Puerto Rico used by the vampyre community in its own self-policing.  The Knight Club, to outward appearance, is a night club whose floor show is a popular attraction to non-vampyres as well as a hot spot for the rich & famous who visit the island.  As part of their punishment, the vampyres confined to the building are forced to entertain the mortals. (reference Avenue X Comics Nos 2 & 3 - Purple Spiral Comics 1994-95)


In 1983 Marvel Comics killed off all the vampyres in the Marvel universe - an event which appeared to coincide with the relative lack of interest in vampyres in the culture. The mechanism used for this destruction was called the Montesi Formula, invented by occult expert Dr. Stephen Strange.  However, by the end of the decade the Montesi Formula had weakened and a few vampyres began to reappear. With the official recognition that the vampyres had returned in 1992, the need for the Nightstalkers was created. The creation of the Nightstalkers brought together the anti-vampyre experts Frank Drake, Hannibal King, and Blade the Vampire Slayer.

Societas Argenti Viae Eternitata (SAVE)

Translated "The Eternal Society of the Silver Way", SAVE is an organization dedicated to the prevention of evil spawned from the Unknown as defined in the supernatural universe of the Chill role-playing game (Mayfair Games 1990). According to game lore, SAVE was founded in 1844 in Dublin, Ireland and derived from the research begun in 1789 by Dr Alfredo Fernandez Ruiz in the use of the Art (psychic powers). Originally names the Societas Albae Viae Eternitata (The Eternal Society of the White Way), the name was changed in 1985 to avoid any hint that the organization was racist.

Southern Coalition Against Vampires

A modern day vampyre hunting organization whose activities are revealed in the film Blood Ties (1992).

Theatre des Vampires

The centre of the Parisian vampyre coven introduced in Anne Rice's Interview with the Vampire, although the story of the origin of the theatre is left for the sequel, The Vampire Lestat.









































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